Cheers to a new chapter.
This was the first time in twenty one years we were without our children (who are now 19 & 21) to celebrate Thanksgiving. Many parents, I believe, dread this chapter. Although I missed them, I’m happy they chose what they wanted to do this holiday. I’m grateful they can make the choice and live guilt free knowing that we celebrate their individuality and believe in their independent spirits. I hope, someday, they will choose to spend time with us, but for now they are young and carefree just like they should be. As for my husband and I, we had a lovely, peaceful, drama-free day. We had grateful hearts and enjoyed our time together. I couldn’t have asked for more. Our children had a great time with their choices. Everyone was happy. I LOVE that our children don’t feel obligated and that they feel free to live their own lives. I can’t think of a better gift to give them than that.