My uncle Sid passed away today. He was a character. He was always telling stories and had an opinion about everything. When I think of him I always think about how once, when I was 18, he made me feel better when I had my heart broke. One of my very first blog posts was about my uncle Sid. Here it is again, in his honor:
Life is Messy
December 5, 2020 by Reena Bobeena (Edit)
Life is messy. Life is complicated. Life is complex. Still, I have hope.
Many years ago, when I was 18 and spending a month in southern California with my grandmother, my boyfriend at the time, dumped me for a “good” friend of mine. I was hurt and a bit broken. One morning I awoke to a coffee cup, bedside, and it read “Hopefully Romantic.” My sweet uncle, knowing my heart was hurt, took the time to remind me that I’m not a “Hopeless Romantic” but rather a “Hopeful” one.
Life is messy. Life is complicated. Life is complex. I like to believe I live a Hopeful life.
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